Well, not exactly.
For those who are in-tune to the world of technology, you probably knew that as of last week, HP decided to discontinue their new line of TouchPads (they are like iPads I guess). Instead of the regular $400 for the 16GB and $500 for the 32GB, they dropped the price to a mere $99 for the 16GB and $150 for the 32GB -- WHAT A STEAL!
Because I like to horde my money and do hours of extensive research before purchasing any sort of product (especially electronics), I was contemplating this deal (STUPIDSTUPIDSTUPID) when I first heard about it through my friend on Facebook. Do I really need it? (ITS100DOLLARSYOUIDIOT) What can I use it for? (ONEHUNDREDDOLLAAAAAAAARS) It's a whole $100.. (ITSLIKESTEALING). He posted about it early Saturday morning and it took until about noon time for the "holy shit a $100 tablet " to finally sink in. Once it did, I spent the rest of my Saturday (and weekend) trying to snag one.
I managed to get two orders through on HP (despite all the errors), but the were backordered the next day. This put me in panic mode and I immediately started looking for alternative ways to get one. Luckily, I had a friend who has some inside information from my local Best Buy and he knew I was desperate for one. He messaged me on Facebook, told me the truck had just arrived with the latest shipment of TouchPads, and like magic, a 25 minute drive turned into 15 and I was there! I was 3rd in line and the new owner of a 16GB HP TouchPad for $99. It was only one per customer, so I couldn't get one for my parents. However, after a quick phone call to HP about my order statuses, they said both of them are ready and should be shipping within a few days.
So I ended up with three of them (better to be safe than sorry?) and I plan on giving the extra one to my boyfriend for our anniversary (best girlfriend ever?).
That is what I have been doing the past week or so, so forgive me for not working on my doggies or updating this blog at all. I would also like to say welcome to all my new followers! I'm glad you guys decided to stick around!
Thanks! Check in soon for the American Eskimo!
sounds like a pretty sweet deal! Hope to see the finished American Eskimo soon.